Who owns the Data of Music

6 Feb

Screenshot 2019-02-05 12.36.51

With all of the talk and even startups launched that are directly dealing with the music data the question of whom owns the data of music is becoming the elephant in the room. There are few different definitions of music data and within them, there is room for disagreement however for us the one way to do it — with the existing data that all music & video distributors use: the NARM425 or VSDA formats.

Now within these formats are different levels of data.   Artists’ data, Label’s if on one, publisher’s and most often as not the distributors and to make it as complicated as possible often on the front end none of these data points are established so trying to figure this out in advance or by a third party is just not a scalable option.  If it was someone would have done it.

Nope, to Altavoz this question, along with universal publishing information is be answered by using, wait for it…a blockchain.  I know eye’s are rolling fingers are moving over the right click button, but hear us out.   For all the flaws of existing Blockchain music projects, none of them have been any more or less successful than the established musicbiz model for music so and to our knowledge, none of them have been an open music public blockchain like which Altavoz has been working towards and strongly advocating that others do the same.

Circling back to the existing formats (425 & VSDA)  as both of them as established formats have been used for decades without anyone having any issues in the Valued added Network of global commerce and to Altavoz that says a lot and suggest that the underlying data formats are ok it’s the privatization of the data that has become the Goose that killed public information and by taking our Data of Music and publishing it using the (425 & VSDA) in a open public blockchain and allowing others that do to use it we established the music public global database of music data.

Now that we’ve established how we’re going to do it – in theory… The value of that data as it moves through all the channels and outlets and who gets paid for it comes to our minds as the next BIG issue for creators. Altavoz is proposing that during the next MetaDataSummit that this last issue be taken up and perhaps a committee or working group can be established to ensure that this “New Oil” of data compensations is flowing to the creators of it as well as the IP that carries it forth.

However at the end of the data days if the creators (artists, bands, and groups ) don’t get a piece of the pie, even if it’s a secondary action or use of data from their inspired works this will hurt the output in the long run and the value of Music Data will be on par with the value of lawnmower data.

Something to think about….

Physical Books never died welcome to the awakening

23 Dec

One of the big stories of the Holidays will be the resurgence in physical book sales. Some in the MSM are taking note with stories like this.

The Plot Twist: E-Book Sales Slip, and Print Is Far From Dead

Altavoz CEO to lead webinar for MusicBiz.org on Alt & Cryptocurrency.

31 Mar



On April 24th Nelson Jacobsen will lead a webinar for the trade group MusicBiz.org, which bills itself as “THE MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION FOR THE ENTIRE MUSIC BUSINESS”

Event Details

The cryptocurrency or alternative payment market space is open for business and the entertainment industry can benefit from being the primary gateway for consumers to purchase music and other product using these payment systems. The most used cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and other alternative payment systems are becoming valid payment options for both consumers and many well-known retailers. This webinar is intended for entertainment commerce partners and technical staff. It will include a general overview of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments and how it will pertain to the entertainment business.

Presenter:  Nelson Jacobsen, CEO, Altavoz Entertainment

If your a recording artists, business or anyone interested in general about Bitcoin and Crypocurrency than this is the webinar that you’ll need to make sure you attending. 


Click here to join in the webinar 

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29 Sep

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